ቻይና በመጨረሻው 2029 በዚህ አስርት አመት በአለም ቀዳሚ ኢኮኖሚ ትሆናለች ግን 2025 ግን ነው። ውስጥ መድረስ በ ... ምክንያት ቻይንኛ ከአራተኛው የኢንዱስትሪ አብዮት ፈጠራ እንደ AI እና 5G ያሉ ቴክኖሎጂዎች .
የቻይና ኢኮኖሚ ለውጥ አሁንም በአንፃራዊነት ገና ነው; በ 2050 ሩቅ ይሆናል በ GDP ግልጽ አሜሪካ እና ህንድ (ሁለተኛው በፒ.ፒ.ፒ.) .
የከተማ ልማትን በጂንግ-ጂን-ጂ፣ ያንግትዜ ወንዝ ዴልታ እና በግሬተር ቤይ ኤሪያ ክልሎች የሚመራ ሲሆን ገጠራማ አካባቢዎችም ይከናወናሉ። ያልተለመደ ለውጥ ከ ዲጂታል ማድረግ እና መሠረተ ልማት ግንባታ ጋር ክስ በቼንግዱ እየተመራ ፣ Wuhan እና ለምሳሌ ዢያን .
1. AI
2. ድሮኖች
3. ታዳሾች
4. ሮቦቲክስ
5. የጠፈር ፕሮግራም
6. ስፖርት
7. 5ጂ
The $1.64 billion Tibet Cloud Computing Center, with more than 70,000 big data cabinets, will serve South Asia by 2026.
Tibet has up to 210 GW of hydropower reserves and will have more than 100 GW capacity by 2025.
The 60 GW Medog super-dam will generate 300 billion kWh electricity annually at treble the size of the Three Gorges Dam while Tibet will have supplied 7.5 billion kWh of renewable energy to 23 provinces by 2024.
Tibet’s globally historic $5.7 billion 160 km/h smart 5G high-speed rail connects Lhasa with Nyingchi while the $44.7 billion 1,742 km 200 km/h Sichuan-Tibet High-Speed Railway will be completed by 2028.
Tibet has invested $70 billion in the Xigatse Gyirong extension of the Tibet Railway to expand to Kathmandu while there will also be a 28 km Himalayan road tunnel as Tibet serves as a South Asian BRI gateway for India and Bhutan.
Find out more about Tibet’s Digital Economy in Digital Provinces Guide: Countdown to the Chinese Century and Digital Provinces Guide Part Two: Countdown to the Chinese Century in Shop.